funerals are too important not to be photographed

help & advice


Death is a profound and often complex topic. It’s a fundamental aspect of life, yet it’s also one of the most difficult concepts for many people to come to terms with. We have collated some useful resources to aid you during times of bereavement and the loss of a loved one.

Cruse Bereavement Care is a UK-based charity dedicated to supporting individuals coping with the loss of a loved one. Their free services include one-to-one counseling, group support sessions, and a helpline staffed by trained volunteers

The Samaritans is a UK charity offering confidential emotional support to anyone in need, including those grieving a loss. Available 24/7, their helpline provides a listening ear through phone calls, emails, and face-to-face meetings at local branches nationwide.

Bereavement UK provides online support and resources tailored to those facing bereavement. Their website offers information on grief, forums, and chat rooms for connecting with others experiencing similar challenges.

If you haven’t been to a funeral before it can be quite daunting, even if you are not immediate family. It is often helpful to know what to expect in advance, and you will find an explanation of what happens on the following pages whether you are going to a cremation, burial or green (woodland) funeral.

for free live chat with a bereavement counsellor

Guidance about what happens after a death and things you might need to do

If you are recently bereaved, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.